Yes, I have beaten Gustav bloody. I am the person who was identified on the supervision video by witnesses. “
Nervously he shows the bandage of his right hand: „Nine stings, everything had to be sewed. I have infernal pains. “
Then he tells his version about the night:
“I was totally drunk, I drunk a lot of vodka Red Bull. About 4 o’clock everything has started.. First, according to Nexhat, with a wrangling in which his brother was involved. „I was in between and gave the one with the cap a slap. He was the smallest, however, but he was the one with the biggest mouth“ What Nexhat T. supposedly did not know : „The smallest” was Gustav, the drummer of „Tokio hotel “! „I did not know that he is so famous. I also do not know his music. “ Nexhat T. further:
“Then I saw how my brother suddenly lay on the ground. Gustav wanted to beat me with his fist. Because I had my glass still in the hand and wanted to defend myself, I strucked him in the affect on the front of his head. It was a glass, and not like Gustav said, two beer bottles. “By the blow the glass broke and slit the racquet his hand. However, how had it generally come to the fight? Nexhat T.:
“My brother was in the company of a blonde girl . Gustav has turned on them quite permanently. My brother has probably only laughed at him. “ Then the quarell started. The Kosovo Albanian with stay permission lives for 7 years in Germany, is divorced and has a son (nearly 2). He works as a culinary help in a Magdeburg restaurant. Nexhat T: now “I have big fear to lose my job. Nevertheless, I must nourish my family”.
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