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Tokio Hotel Latino Fanclub

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Episode 18 - In Vienna!!

Gustav: I have to admit it... last night I played scared
Bill: for the stage?
Gustav: yes, but why the chariot was out of her place?
Bill: David said that was a mistake at the moment of assembling the stage. He said that they're not going to use it again
Tom: Equal it was not going good with the stage
Bill: if they didn't fixed in the right moment it could passed an accident
Georg: where are the girls?
Tom: watching a movie, why?
Georg: I have their reservation for the hotel, well where is Viviana?
Viviana: here!
Georg: That are your reservation and your passports
Viviana: ok thanks.. why David don't have it?
Georg: because tonight we have an interview before we arrive, and he think that you would be tired so...
Viviana: ok
Nicole: does anyone have see my poket?
Bill: is this one?
Nicole: yes thanks
Bill: Can I see it?
Nicole: ok but you're not going to find anything interesting

Next day the guys had another interviw in a radio. A lot of fans were out of the place waiting to see them. When the interview was over they went out and the fans allowed that they shouls pass. Was crazy.

Georg: did you see a fan that was with...
Tom: with a green T-Shirt? She was with a rare face
Georg: yes... she practically bit me!!
Bill: what? really? where?
Georg: yes here in my arm... look
Tom: hahahah Georg is because you're...
Bill: all the people wish you hahahaha
Georg: all the fans wish me hahahaha
Ale: let me see... when was that?
Georg: when we're going out of the radio... she took hold of my arm and bit me... was very rare
Ale: hahaha extremly rare
Nicole: who's going to do that?
Georg: only she!!
David: ok now the sounchek
Tom: and the "stagechek"
David: we could inlude it too before the show

Bill: I'm very nervous... fifteen thousand and more people out of the place
Tom: and all the tikets sold
Bill: thanks that really help
David: here are the program
Bill: read it again... to be sure
David: ok... Gustav start with Ready, Set, Go
Gustav: yes and then with Reden
Tom: cool... our first tour in german and in enlgish

Next week all the things are going to be complicated. Is going to be a fight for a while. Againg problems with the stage and the sound, but finally only a few problems will stay.

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