TH 4 Ever Zimmer 483

Pon fotos sin limite en GRATIS!!!

Tokio Hotel Latino Fanclub

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Episode 23 - Cancelled Concert

Tom: What? Why?
David: they said that they need the place for an importante event
Bill: but we talked with they a few months ago!
David: yes but they...
Tom: and they just cancel it and what happen with all the fans
Georg: they are a few fans waiting since yesterday
Gustav: they didn't tell you if we can play in another place?
David: listen.. I'm going to talk with they again if there is another posibility to play in a diferent date and the tickets alredy saled will count for...
Tom: no we are going to talk with they because is not posible that two days before the show they do that
David: you have a show tonight in Poland and you have to been concetraded
Gustav: we're not been concentrated...
David: Just play tonight lie the other concerts and then we see

We were arriving to Poland in the night. In the morning David recived a call of the people who organisate the second concert in Poland. Wasn't good news... they canceled the show and use for excuse that they have an important event. Tom was very angry... the band was very angry. They did the soundchek perfectly but then they were very worried. How they were going to tell all the fans waiting that the concert was cancel? Nicole, Paula and I just saw how they tried to play in another place...

Ale: that's is very frustraing for them
Paula: yes!! Look at Tom's face... I never thought to see he like that
Ale: And what are they going to do fot the fans?
Nicole: No... David is searching a new place
Paula: but only in a day and a half is very dificult because you have to think in the stage and a lot of things
Nicole: yes I know, look they are talking again with David

Bill: and all the people who buy the tickets will enter?
David: sure there are sufficient space for 20000 persons maximum
Bill: how we're going to tell all the fans where is going to be the show now?
Georg: ok we can tell all the people who works there that tell every fan that arived there that the concert is going to be in other place near.
Bill: and what happen if some fans doesn't get the message?
Georg: an hour before the show someone can go and chek if there's any fan
David: it could work

After the first show they we're less worried, but all the tension was going to desapear after the second show so all the night we were up trying to think in another solution but finally they decide to do Georg's idea

Next week we're going to know what happen with the concert and then we're going to take a fly to Spain

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