TH 4 Ever Zimmer 483

Pon fotos sin limite en GRATIS!!!

Tokio Hotel Latino Fanclub

Monday, June 29, 2009

Episode 3 - In Germany

Nicole: it's excellent!!! Only we stoop the plane, we go to the hotel and with what I have seen ... fall in love with this place!!!

Ale: Definitively...

David: hello ... hey now the boys are going to rest and surely they are going to give a walk, want to go with them?

Viviana: I believe that it doesn't wonder because already we know the response.

David: yes... so put in agreement with them...

Ale: ahhh that suffers!!!

Paula: nothing of a sorrow, it's necessary to take advantage of the opportunities that give us. hahahah

Tom: well already almost we come I suppose, so ... do you go with us??

Nicole: off course

Bill: we are ... 7 rigth?

Georg: yes, then we are walking or in two cars?

Bill: better in the cars...

Tom: but better that they take revenge with I crumble because Bill and Gustav are a danger in the road hahaha.

Georg: hahahaha

Bill: very funny Tom, but you're not very holy... xD

Gustav: so we go or they continue discussing...

Nicole: for my there is no problem because I go away with anyone, there is no problem hahha

Ale: I am with Nikky...

Georg: so, Nicole with me and Bill and then Alexandra and Paula with Tom and Gustav??

All: it's ok...

After coming to the hotel and of the beautiful discución, hahaha, we wait awhile to see our rooms and then we go out with them...

Tom: hahahaha

Ale: hahaha that was so good

Georg: if my musician's career ends, comediant is a good idea... hahaha

Paula: yes, but I prefer you like musican.

Tom: we have met 2 days ago... and you fall me well...

Paula: you too, not for that you're TH. You are really cool guys...

Georg: Thanks. Sokme fans want to be with us for pure interest, and I don't like that. Iheat that! And I'm absolutely sure that you're not like those...

Ale: you're right. off course that we love TH, but in this days you we're not TH, you were Bill, Gustav, Georg and Tom only, and that's a quality that not all the bands have.

Tom: thanks... as I can see... we really fall you well?? Be who we really are?? That's great and Im surprised for that.

Paula: why?? you're normal people like Ale and I, why you're suprised about that??

Georg: becaus a lot of fans only want to saty with us because we're TH, and not for whor we are, and I think that you're the first that don't want that...

Paula: tha's fore sure...

In the next week Bill, Gustav and Nicole are going to have an interesting convesation about... well is something special...

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