It is always said that rock is the genre most free and rebellious of all, however, its top heroes seem to behave like the most obedient students of a military school at the time of release their albums. From the answers they give to the media until the looks: these are some of the most used things in the history of rock bands, and though the years pass, always repeated:
1.- Make a video with tour images
2.- Put "The" in front of all
3.- Make a hit baland and then hate it
4.- Meet after have said they will never do it
5 .- The look of thugs in the promotional photos .-
6 .- To fight with fans and photographers .- When Bjork was grabbed by the hair with a journalist and Axl Rose split his face with a camera because I was in a bad mood, the new generation of rockers were agreed that aggression can also be cool. Tokio Hotel guitarist showed his appreciation by grabbing a fan, Amy Winehouse kicked and beaten to grind a girl who dared to take a picture. Long live rock!
7 .- Bust hotels and better if they are expensive .-
8 .- To form a Super Group for no apparent reason .-
9 .- To say that your latest CD is the best in your career, even being horrible .-
10 .- Copy a cover of the Beatles or whatever the Beatles .-
Translation by THEurope
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